Carlos and Sarah’s IVF Journey

Wilmington , NC (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Carlos and Sarah’s IVF Journey

by Sarah Amaya

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $500.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$500.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Wilmington , NC (US)

Sarah Amaya is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi! My name is Sarah and my husband Carlos & I are 1 in 8 couples that struggle with infertility, and are unable to concieve a child through natural methods. We have been married since 2018, and together since 2015. We have always wanted to have a baby together, and have been actively pursuing it since 2018.

I have always known I would not be able to have children due to a medical incident that occurred when I was 15 years old. I had 2 sizeable ovarian cysts that had to be removed surgically. I ended up losing my right ovary & tube, and part of my left ovary and tube. I was hopeful the remaining tube would have been open enough to use, but after having an HSG done in June 2021 we found out that it was full of fluid and blocked.

My OB/GYN recommended removal of my remaining tube so that it would not interfere with any embryos that would be transferred using IVF. The blocked tube was removed in November 2021, and since then we have been actively consulting with providers and finally found the right one.

Our clinic is a little over 3 hours away from us, and unfortunately we will have to travel there 5-6 times over the next few weeks for monitoring and egg retrieval. After retrieval we are planning to transfer during my next cycle in August.

We have our first baseline lab and ultrasound appointment on 7/11, and several appointments to follow with a tenative egg retrieval scheduled for 7/27. We are so excited to finally be moving forward in our journey after 4 years of preparing and improving our overall health so that we would be able to proceed.

Many of our family members and friends have asked how can we help? What do you need? What can we do? And, up until now, we really didn’t need anything but emotional support. We are now at the point in our journey where we must ask for additional support from our families and friends to continue our journey.

No contribution is too small, and every little bit will make a significant difference for us. There’s nothing we want more than our own baby to love and cherish. Thank you for reading our story ?

  • 07-11-2022

    Baseline update

    We went for baseline labs and ultrasound today, and unfortunately I ovulated through the birth control so we have to delay it one week. Meds start on 7/20 and next appointment is 7/26 ?

  • 08-01-2022

    Mid cycle update

    So far we have had appointments on 7/11, 7/26, 7/29, 8/1 and another scheduled for 8/3.

    We started lupron on 7/20 and the rest of stims on 7/22. We were projected for egg retrieval on 8/3, but have just found out we need to stim longer because my follicles aren\'t as large as they need to be. We are looking at 8/5 or 8/6 for possible egg retrieval. Fingers crossed.

  • 08-13-2022

    Egg Retrieval

    I stimmed for 17 days, we had the egg retrieval on 8/9. They were able to get 10 eggs out of my ovary (only 1 ovary), of those 10, 8 were mature and 7 fertilized. We are anxiously awaiting our final results.

  • 08-30-2022

    Embryo results and transfer scheduled

    We received our embryo results on 8/15/22 and found out 4 of our embryos made it to blast! They are graded 4AA, 4AA, 5BA, and 3BA. Today we finally received our transfer protocol, and our transfer date is scheduled for 10/6. We are starting more meds soon, and will have a baseline ultrasound, labs and sonohysterogram on 9/9. Please continue to share our fundraiser, as we are finally moving forward again, and need all the help we can get! Thank you all for your support.

  • 12-10-2022

    Transfer Scheduled

    After months of battling with more cysts that spiked my estrogen, we are finally moving forward and have a new transfer date. We are so excited to be progressing, and have even started transfer meds.. it feels real now. We are not announcing our transfer date currently, as we would like a little bit of privacy surrounding that day. We will update as soon as we have news. Thank you to everyone to has helped us try to grow our family.

Name Donation Date
Evette Rowley $100.00 November 24, 2022
Ashley King $55.00 August 28, 2022
Deneen Joya $100.00 August 09, 2022
James Pettiford $25.00 August 06, 2022
Fiori S $50.00 July 28, 2022
James Taylor $50.00 July 11, 2022
Jaime McMeekin $20.00 July 07, 2022
Katy Porta $100.00 July 07, 2022
Evette Rowley commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
We’re friends on Facebook and even though I don’t know you personally I would love to see your family grow! I wish you both the best and Happy Thanksgiving!
Ashley King commented with a $55 donation about 3 years ago
Good luck guys! We wish you the best! Love Ashley and Kevin King
Fiori S commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
You got this. It may seem hard now, but start envisioning holding your baby in your arms, it will help you feel stronger.
James Taylor commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
You don't know how happy this makes me. All the luck in the world.
Jaime McMeekin commented with a $20 donation about 3 years ago
I wish you the very best! ❤️
Katy Porta commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
You two are amazing people who will be amazing parents! Keeping you both and your hopeful little one in my prayers.